
Articles and Preprints

21. Ends of (Singular) Ricci Shrinkers
Joint with Alessandro Bertellotti
Preprint 2024, submitted [ArXiv]

20. Mean Curvature Flow and Heegaard Surfaces in Lens Spaces
Joint with Sylvain Maillot
Preprint 2023, submitted [ArXiv]

19. Bubble-Tree Convergence and Local Diffeomorphism Finiteness for Gradient Ricci Shrinkers
Joint with Louis Yudowitz
Math. Z. (2023) 304:7 [ArXiv | Journal version]

18. Noncompact self-shrinkers for mean curvature flow with arbitrary genus
Joint with Huy Nguyen and Mario Schulz
To appear in J. Reine Ang. Math. (Crelle), accepted 2024 [ArXiv]

17. Gaussian upper bounds for the heat kernel on evolving manifolds
Joint with Louis Yudowitz
J. London Math. Soc. (2023) [ArXiv | Journal version]

16. A local singularity analysis for the Ricci flow and its applications to Ricci flows with bounded scalar curvature
Joint with Gianmichele Di Matteo
Calc Var. (2022) 61:65 [ArXiv | Journal version]

15. Bubbling analysis and geometric convergence results for free boundary minimal surfaces
Joint with Lucas Ambrozio, Alessandro Carlotto, and Ben Sharp
J. Éc. Polytech. Math. 6 (2019), 621-664 [ArXiv | Journal version]

14. Geometric convergence results for closed minimal surfaces via bubbling analysis
Joint with Lucas Ambrozio, Alessandro Carlotto, and Ben Sharp
Calc Var. (2022) 61:25 [ArXiv | Journal version]

13. The moduli space of two-convex embedded tori
Joint with Robert Haslhofer and Or Hershkovits
Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2019, No. 2 (2019), 392-406 [ArXiv | Journal version]

12. The higher-dimensional Chern-Gauss-Bonnet formula for singular conformally flat manifolds
Joint with Huy Nguyen
J. Geom. Anal. 29, No. 2 (2019), 1043–1074 [ArXiv | Journal version]

11. The moduli space of two-convex embedded spheres
Joint with Robert Haslhofer and Or Hershkovits
J. Diff. Geom. 118, No. 2 (2021), 189-221 [ArXiv | Journal version]

10. Qualitative and quantitative estimates for minimal hypersurfaces with bounded index and area
Joint with Ben Sharp
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 (2018), 4373-4399 [ArXiv | Journal version]

9. Smooth long-time existence of Harmonic Ricci Flow on surfaces
Joint with Melanie Rupflin
J. Lon. Math. Soc. 95 (2017), 277-304 [ArXiv | Journal version]

8. The Chern-Gauss-Bonnet formula for singular non-compact four-dimensional manifolds
Joint with Huy Nguyen
Commun. Anal. Geom. 27, No. 8 (2019), 1697-1736 [ArXiv | Journal version]

7. A note on the compactness theorem for 4d Ricci shrinkers
Joint with Robert Haslhofer
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143, No. 10 (2015), 4433-4437 [ArXiv | Journal version]

6. Dynamical stability and instability of Ricci-flat metrics
Joint with Robert Haslhofer
Math. Ann. 360 (2014), 547-553 [ArXiv | Journal version]

5. Perelman's entropy functional at Type I singularities of the Ricci flow
Joint with Carlo Mantegazza
J. Reine Ang. Math. (Crelle) 703 (2015), 173-199 [ArXiv | Journal version]

4. A compactness theorem for complete Ricci shrinkers
Joint with Robert Haslhofer
Geom. Funct. Anal. 21 (2011), 1091-1116 [ArXiv | Journal version]

3. On Type I singularities in Ricci flow
Joint with Joerg Enders and Peter Topping
Commun. Anal. Geom. 19, No. 5 (2011), 905-922 [ArXiv | Journal version]

2. Ricci flow coupled with harmonic map flow
Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. Sup. 45, fascicule 1 (2012), 101-142 [ArXiv | Journal version]

1. Monotone volume formulas for geometric flows
J. Reine Ang. Math. (Crelle) 643 (2010), 39-57 [ArXiv | Journal version]


2. Ricci flow coupled with harmonic map heat flow (PhD Thesis)
Diss. ETH Nr. 18290, (2009) [ETH E-Collection]

1. Differential Harnack inequalities and the Ricci flow (Book)
EMS Series Lect. Math. (2006) [Publisher website]

Conference Reports

5. Harmonic Ricci Flow on surfaces
Oberwolfach Reports, No. 27, Vol. 13, Issue 2 (2016), 1526-1528 [Workshop website]

4. Dynamical stability and instability of Ricci-flat metrics
Oberwolfach Reports, No. 37, Vol. 10, Issue 3 (2013), 2131-2132 [Workshop website]

3. Finite time singularities of the Ricci flow
Oberwolfach Reports, No. 26, Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2012), 1604-1606 [Workshop website]

2. The standard solution for surgery
Oberwolfach Reports, No. 46, Vol. 5, Issue 4 (2008), 2643-2644 [Workshop website]

1. Monotone volume formulas for geometric flows
Oberwolfach Reports, No. 27, Vol. 5, Issue 2 (2008), 1502-1504 [Workshop website]